Unlocking the Benefits: Why Nevis Trusts are the Gold Standard in Asset Protection

Mundo's top 5 banking choices you should keep on your radar
International entrepreneurs, perpetual travelers, and modern businesspeople look for the best banking to protect assets. This is only natural considering the very essence of their activities. Banking offshore is convenient for everyone, but those individuals particularly involved with cross-border businesses and operations find it more than necessary: for them, nothing short of the best banking in the world will do.

Analyzing ways to protect money: Trust vs foundation
If you're analyzing ways to protect money and wondering why open a Nevis trust, or if you should establish a foundation instead, you’ll find this article useful. This trust vs foundation comparison will help you go to the core of each structure and understand its essence and best uses.
From Flexibility to Security: The Multifold Benefits of Nevis Multiform Foundations

Money Services Business License in Nevis: What businesses can apply?

Citizenship under a new light: Changes in St Kitts and Nevis program
Since July 27, there have been important changes in St Kitts and Nevis program when it comes to citizenship. If you're interested in finding the best place to emigrate, then these changes are probably on your radar. Now, is the program still convenient? Let's analyze the options for people who want to move to Saint Kitts or hold a second passport for optimal travel freedom.

Unlock Global Opportunities: Exploring the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program

Canada included in the visa-free list in three Caribbean CBI countries
Just when we thought that things wouldn't get more interesting in the CBI world, recent changes in citizenship laws seem to indicate otherwise. More precisely, we're talking about new Caribbean passports visa-free options: there's a new country that citizens will be able to visit.

Nevis LLC: Maximizing Flexibility, Tax Efficiency, and Confidentiality in International Business Ventures

How to emigrate safely: the dos and don'ts for choosing your second citizenship
Offering investment migration opportunities is more than providing services for a fee: it's about teaching best practices when getting a second citizenship. Whether we like it or not, the question of how to emigrate safely touches us all including high-net-worth individuals. Choosing among the available programs can be difficult especially because some of them are quite similar. For such an important decision one needs to be 100% sure.


At Mundo, we have a very close connection to Panama. We choose this country over and over for its ma...
When looking for international banking options, foreign entrepreneurs and investors often turn to ba...
In today’s world, transparency and business credibility are more important than ever. Proving that y...
Many people exploring international relocation options often face a critical decision. Should they p...
In today’s global economy, relying solely on local banking solutions can hold your business back. If...
Nestled on the northwest coast of Antigua, the capital city of St. John's is a dynamic and colorful ...