5 countries with territorial taxation and how they can help you

Taxes are a major concern for anyone, and this is why a solid financial plan must consider how to save on taxes. A popular strategy consists of getting tax residency in a territorial taxation country and establishing one’s largest assets outside of this jurisdiction. Let's analyze how to lower taxable income through tax reduction strategies like this one. Every country has its tax system, the difference lies in how they interpret a person's relation to the country and hence the tax responsibility. 

1/24/2024 8:00:00 AM
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Unlocking financial freedom: Game-changing tax residency case studies that will make you consider Panama

No businessperson should underestimate the importance of tax residency, however, this concept may be hard to understand, thus creating a field where misconceptions can grow freely. When it comes to why is tax residency useful there are many aspects to consider, and this includes a deep understanding of the matter. Naturally, the best way to establish tax residency effectively in low-tax jurisdictions is through a certified expert. In this regard, providing oneself with the right advice is not negotiable. 

9/8/2023 8:00:00 AM
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Demystifying Panama's tax residency: unraveling the myth from the truth

Panama is more than an attractive destination for business: it’s a great place for those looking for tax residency and low-tax solutions. However, amidst the allure, several misconceptions about tax residency in Panama have emerged. In this article, we will shed light on common myths surrounding this country’s tax residency and reveal the truth behind them.

7/18/2023 8:00:00 AM
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Don't be afraid to optimize your taxes: Get Healthy Advice on How to Make the Most of Your Finances

If you ever wonder how to pay less tax, you're not alone. In one way or the other, nobody is happy about paying taxes because they can translate into a serious decrease in your wealth. So how to stop paying taxes? Is this even possible? How to generate some tax savings so that the overall burden is lightened?

4/14/2023 8:00:00 AM
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Argentina to impose 30% on non-declared foreign assets. What’s the solution?

Mundo encourages and helps business people all around the world to legally protect their wealth in perpetuity. As we pointed out several times, asset protection is our commitment as a path towards ultimate freedom. 

5/6/2022 8:00:00 AM
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Tax residency in Panama

Panama is a great place to establish your tax residency. This Latin American country is located in Central America and is bordered by Costa Rica and Colombia.

3/12/2022 8:00:00 AM
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Residency and tax residency in Andorra for Family Offices

When we think of a life full of luxury and comfort, we automatically think of the great metropolises such as Dubai, Monaco, Ibiza, Paris, London, and many more cities that are usually located in the old continent.

1/27/2022 8:00:00 AM
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Taxation in the Crypto Space

When the crypto revolution began, most people expected that in a few years, Bitcoin would create a kind of payment alternative to the traditional financial system.

10/27/2021 8:00:00 AM
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International Tax Information Exchange: the Present and the Future

In 2009, the world’s most powerful leaders went to London to the G20 Summit. In their joint statement, the G20 declared that “the era of banking secrecy is over”. 

9/16/2021 8:00:00 AM
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Why a Nevis LLC is the Best Zero Tax Corporate Structure Available Today?

Any business person who takes their freedom and privacy seriously knows that any investment and asset protection strategy must include an LLC in a tax-friendly jurisdiction.

7/20/2021 8:00:00 AM
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