Move my company abroad: Which is the easiest jurisdiction to open a company?
Our experts receive tens of inquiries about offshore corporate every week, this is why we know what our readers are looking for. No wonder this is one of our hottest topics and products, businesspeople that want to go global understand the importance of a good incorporation jurisdiction.

The top 5 jurisdictions to get citizenship in 2023
If you're wondering where to get citizenship in 2023, you've come to the right place. Immigration has been an important part of our history as human beings. Actually, the world wouldn't be as it is today if it wasn't for immigration. This article features a list of the best five citizenship options for people seeking where to immigrate.

How to establish a trust properly and get powerful asset protection in Nevis
The benefits of a trust are immense. There are actually very few structures that can compare with the trust when it comes to asset protection and estate planning. However, this level of protection is only achieved if the structure is set up properly.

How can a Family Office benefit from a Nevis Foundation?
The current pandemic circumstances have caused implosions in some vital financial sectors of the world economy.

Why is Nevis the best option to open an offshore bank account?
One of Mundo Expert's missions is to know and promote new projects based on the philosophy of freedom.
Best Investment Projects: Four Seasons Resort Estate in Nevis
Long recognized as one of the most beautiful properties in the Four Seasons network, and the best golf course in the area, it has boasted numerous VIP guets from Bill Gates to the British royal family.
St Kitts and Nevis: The Friendly Citizenship, Trust, and Banking Paradise
What is the reason so many crypto investors are looking at the twin-island Federation of St Kitts and Nevis these days?

The Cook Island trusts
Cook Islands trusts are one of the best asset protection structures in the entire planet.
Citizenship by Investment: St Kitts vs Turkey
Extradition on Second Passport: How a second citizenship can enhance your legal protection
Until not so long ago, a second passport was seen as the cherry of the cake for high net worth individuals.


At Mundo, we have a very close connection to Panama. We choose this country over and over for its ma...
When looking for international banking options, foreign entrepreneurs and investors often turn to ba...
In today’s world, transparency and business credibility are more important than ever. Proving that y...
Many people exploring international relocation options often face a critical decision. Should they p...
In today’s global economy, relying solely on local banking solutions can hold your business back. If...
Nestled on the northwest coast of Antigua, the capital city of St. John's is a dynamic and colorful ...