When you hear about the United Kingdom, images of the royal family, the chamber of lords, tea parties, great castles and a very particular accent surely come to your mind. The truth is that this is a country that in addition to all these attractions that are part of its soft power, is a large maritime territory that has beneficial characteristics to carry out a busy lifestyle and conducive to business.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country located in Western Europe. It is one of the world's major powers. It is made up of islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Europe. Its borders are mainly maritime. To the north is the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, to the south is the English Channel that separates it from France. The only land border it has is with Ireland through Northern Ireland.
It is a country composed of green and humid mountainous areas. On the other hand, in the lowlands there are cities and towns. The coastal area is wide and very diverse, composed of bays, canals, fjords and numerous headlands. In Scotland, for example, you will find a large number of lochs and forests. As well as in Wales there are valleys and small mighty rivers that are navigable. The geography of the United Kingdom is one of the main attractions for explorers or travelers who frequent the country. Its sublime and inspiring landscapes are a small sample of the great things this nation has to offer you.
The UK is a place where you will never be without a coat, umbrella or scarf. The weather is usually cold or wet. This is because it is influenced by the cold air currents brought in by the ocean. However, although there is a tendency for the day to dawn cloudy or rainy, in a matter of hours it can turn into a sunny day. This will always depend on the area you are in. The south of the country is generally much drier than the north. It will always be good to provide yourself with a hot drink to start your day.
A Bit of History
The history of the United Kingdom is quite rich and interesting for anyone who wishes to study it. This has been a country that has been involved in very important periods of world history. It covers periods where its role as an empire not only led it to be a hegemon in the West, but also in Asia and Africa. This is a product of the great economic and military potential that the nation had at that time. As well as the spread of liberal ideas that influenced political processes in other countries.
However, at the end of the 19th century and part of the 20th century, the great power of the British Empire was decimated by the processes of decolonization, the emergence of the United States as the main power, periods of world war and geopolitical changes.
Well into the 21st century, the great island continues to be the site of historical events of high global impact as the host of the Olympic Games, the birthplace of renowned artists, its fight against terrorism, the high popularity still enjoyed by the royal family and most recently the Brexit.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state in this case is a king or queen and serves symbolically as the chief representative. However, the functions of administering the government and making decisions of high political impact fall to the parliament and the government that is formed through it.
The country has been governed for years by Conservatives and Labor. They have stood out for developing a stable and inclusive political system that has guaranteed the welfare and progress of the country.
Currently, after Brexit, one of the main objectives of the government led by Prime Minister Boris Johson is to reinforce the character of world power and the country owner of its destiny to the great island. The government has designed and implemented a series of policies to improve infrastructure, guarantee citizen security, increase social inclusion, reduce poverty rates in rural and marginalized populations, and ensure that unemployment is low. Thus generating a prosperous environment for its residents and anyone who wishes to visit and be part of the country.
Life Style
It may be a cold and cloudy country, but this is not a characteristic of the lifestyle in the UK. It is characterized by a very active and diverse everyday environment.
Starting with being one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. It is no secret that you can meet and get to know people from different parts of the world when you go into a pub for a beer or when you want to sit down for tea and cookies in a local.
Also, in cities like London, you can visit places like the National Art Gallery, walk around and take pictures near Buckingham Palace and watch the changing of the royal guard. Or you can go to Glasgow and visit the Kelvingrove Gallery. Opera or theater houses you can visit on your passage through the country. You can treat yourself to a Shakespeare play in the place where he was born.
The big island is well known for its rock culture. It is the birthplace of the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Annually there are countless music festivals such as Glastonbury or the Reading Festival.
On the other hand, if you are a soccer lover, this sport never stops, why? Soccer was invented in England. And in every city you can go to a soccer match where you can see the top stars of the game.
The UK may be just the place for your taste buds. Different cultures have influenced its cuisine and you can find everything from inexpensive but high quality food. As well as dining in fine restaurants after a business meeting or a stroll through the city.
There are no excuses not to be enchanted by the English lifestyle. There are plenty of options if you want to give a twist to your daily life.
Doing Business in UK
It is no secret that the United Kingdom is one of the world's top destinations for setting up a business. It has an open, transparent economy and countless favorable business conditions, making it easy to set up a company there.
There are no special regulations for foreign entities. World Bank studies estimate that it takes only 13 days to set up a business, while the European average is 32 days. The UK is the most attractive place in Europe and the second most attractive in the world (after the USA) for international business.
The economy is diversified. Sectors such as automotive manufacturing, smart technology development, fuels, sports, construction, business services, etc. attest to a robust and stable economy with great potential to invest and generate strong returns.
It accounts for more than one third of global investment. Likewise, much of the world's stock market investment is located here. London is one of the great financial centers of the world. Don't wait any longer and contact our experts and they will tell you more about it so that you too can be part of a safe and favorable environment.
The United Kingdom is a fertile environment for business. Free of legal or political uncertainties. Foreign investment is welcome. If you wish to be part of this great investment ecosystem, do not hesitate to contact our experts. At Mundo we are at your service to guarantee a quality service.
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