Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary
The MI judiciary is the institution responsible for administering justice in the country (
Ministry of Finance Banking & Postal Services
It is in charge of providing a public finance and administration system for the Marshall Islands (
The Office of the Auditor-General Marshall Islands (OAG) It is responsible for the executing of the audit function of the Government of the RMI. (
Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) (
It provides technical assistance to communities with structured fishing plans and also provides support as a consultant and research agency.
Office of Commerce, Investment, and tourism (
It functions as an investment and trade promotion agency. Seeks to encourage and develop investments while managing state-owned enterprises.
RMI Maritime and Corporate Registry (
The RMI Registry provides high-quality ship and company registry services that can be reached from any part of the world.
Republic of the Marshall Islands Ports Authority (RMIPA)
This organism is responsible for the development, maintenance, and operations of all seaports in the Marshall Islands.
RMI Public Service Commission (
Equal Opportunity Commission of the Marshall Islands under the Marshall Islands Constitution.
Economic, Policy, Planning & Statistics Office (EPPSO) (
It serves as an economic consultant to the Marshall Islands government on policy and strategy development matters.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
It is responsible for handling trade and international cooperation issues with countries and international organizations.
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