Precious metal storage in Panama
There are currently two precious metals storage facilities in Panama.
One of these is located in the free zone of Panama and allows for the import and export of precious metals bullion without any taxes, duties or VAT including capital gains taxes.
The facility is fully insured by Lloyds and certified by brinks so in effect your metal is secured from the point of sale to the delivery.
Holding such precious metals in a trust or foundation, further protects the safety of your assets. It is also possible in some cases to organize a loan over the gold to reinvest on high yielding bonds, so that your precious metals´ holdings generate income.
For info pack and consultation click here.
Panama bonds
Both the Government of Panama and major Panamanian institutions such as The Panama Airport or large family office developers issue high yielding bonds. In some cases, these bonds can yield up to 7% interest in US denominated currency with relatively low risk.
Panamanian Bonds are fairly safe both as sovereign bonds and corporate bonds due to the fact that Panama does not have its own central bank and therefore cannot print its way out of debt, thus reducing inflationary risks.
This, coupled with its political stability and low taxation and the revenue stream from the Panama canal, make investing in Panama and its corporations a lucrative endeavor.
For info pack and consultation click here.
Panama stock market
Panama has its own stock market; however, liquidity is low, and a great deal of expertise is required to hold and trade with Panamanian stocks.
How to open a brokerage account in Panama
A brokerage account is the one that will allow clients to buy investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Having one is quite an easy process as the steps for opening an investment account in Panama are very similar to opening a regular bank account.
Requirements for opening a brokerage account
Natural person list:
- Passport.
- Second document (ID or driver’s license).
- Two bank references of the country of origin with a minimum age of 6 months.
- Bank statements.
- Income statement.
- Commercial and personal references.
Benefits of a brokerage account
Having a brokerage account is actually safer than, for example, a regular bank account. This is because, when the bank holds bonds for you, it is only holding them, meaning the bonds remain under your name. The bank only acts as custody. This means that, if the bank should find liquidity problems or go bankrupt, you won’t lose your assets because you will still legally own them.
On the contrary, when you deposit cash on a bank account, the money is no longer yours, but it belongs to the bank and they can use it whatever way they want. In this case, the money you have in you bank account is entirely virtual and it depends on the bank´s capacity to respond during a crisis.
There is also the possibility of acquiring bonds with attractive yields in Panama. They are not currently suffering like the rest of the markets; it is something more closed and protected and in USD. The best ones are related to banks, airports, and large corporations that have businesses in all fields.
Panama has also a great advantage about which we have talked a lot on this country focus, but it is never enough. There are magnificent taxation possibilities for foreigners and people who invest in the Panamanian stock and bond market. Interest is exempt and it is only paid when high profits have been made in the purchase/sale, but there are ways to legally dodge the tax coup.
The Panamanian stock market and investment vehicles
The Panamanian market is very stable and quiet. There is not high volatility, so the recommendation is to invest in local companies of great dividends and coupons. If the client wants a little more profitability, they would have to go out to the foreign market using Panama as a basis for their tax advantages.
When it comes to choosing the investment vehicles we recommend the bonds because they do not suffer the volatility of the markets, you have a good guaranteed quota, the investment is in dollars and you have no holds for the local estate.
Panama has also a great investment grade level, which is a credit rating category that encompasses several types of ratings with less likelihood of bankruptcy versus the non-investment grade category.
It is, therefore, the job of credit rating agencies to rate a particular financial asset, company or state, and that it indicates that it has a low or relatively low risk of bankruptcy or default.
The appropriate ability to pay for Moody’s investment grade is Baa rating and for S&P and Fitch is the BBB. With these rating, Panama is considered by both agencies as a very stable stock market environment.
Click here for an interview on Panama stock market with our expert Manuel Barrachina.
Panama Gold storage in Panama Pacific – Unique opportunity for confidentiality
Mundo brings a unique opportunity in one of our favorite jurisdictions: Panama. Here you can not only register your company with incredible tax benefits, set up a foundation and acquire permanent residency in a few months, but you also have excellent options for buying and storing precious metals.
Our partners offer the best private and most secure storage facility located in Panama Pacific Special Economic Zone. This facility is privately owned and it´s a unique option as it offers a wide range of services and advantages: storage, privacy, security, and insurance.
Using ultra-modern technology, clients can rest assured knowing their assets are 100% secure. The facility has 24/7 off-site monitoring, contracted third-party oversight and insurance underwritten by Lloyds of London. All clients hold their assets directly on an allocated and segregated basis and stored valuables are held with an off-balance sheet approach reflecting a bailor/bailee relationship.
Concierge level service for your gold in Panama
Mundo offers its readers a complete range of ultra-secure storage options including Class III or Class II vaulted storage, safe deposits, and industrial storage.
In our facility we can offer allocated, segregated vaulting with an option of different vaults to choose from. We have bank level UL3 and UL2 vaults and safe deposits. With Mundo and its partners, you can get access to a wide range of services regarding the storage of precious metals.
In Panama, private storage is unregulated, which means your assets held under it are not reported. This provides a great level of discretion and security protecting you from possible threats like kidnapping and crimes against you or your family.
Clients will obviously have to comply with KYC & AML regulations and to provide basic documentation such as ID and utility bill. Besides this, the client´s information is completely confidential.
Safe deposit boxes: the highest level of confidentiality
In one of Panama´s best special economic zones, Panama Pacifico, we offer an excellent deposit box storage solution for your valuables. If you want to safeguard important and valuable objects like Gold, Silver, jewelry, cash, important documents, family heirlooms, or anything else then the best place to do so are our deposit boxes.
Here you will find two aspects that we consider to be key when it comes to precious metals storage: security and confidentiality. With our partners we offer great confidentiality because we don´t have reporting agreements with the government. For this reason, our offer constitutes an excellent solution for wealthy families.
Please check out our offer of gold storage plus a free zone company here.
Opening an account
The process of opening an account with our partners is easy and straightforward for individuals, businesses, trusts, and foundations. By having an account, you´ll have access to various storage locations, the purchasing and selling of Precious Metals as well as our Gold Loan Program.
Contact us for a consultation
Why to store your gold with Mundo
International Vaults: send your metals straight to Panama in a confidential way
Mundo is proud of having the best experts in financial and immigration services and with gold storage this is not the exception.
Buying and storing gold with us gives our readers unique advantages. The facilities have been built according to a world class standard.
Our partners have the only safety deposit facility in Panama to offer “Customs Bonded” safety deposit boxes. This represents a unique advantage as clients can ship their precious metals in a “custom bonded” way, meaning the metals will arrive directly to our facilities in the Panama Pacifico trading zones without going through the nationalization process. With this, the assets you receive won´t be disclosed in any public records on the customs website as usually happens in Panama, thus protecting your privacy 100%.
We can´t say this enough. Our storage option in Panama offers a unique mixture of security, flexibility, and anonymity.
Purchase your gold, we take care of the shipping
At Mundo, we are committed to the concept of financial freedom. This includes many things starting from a second passport through a company and a gold storage in a safe jurisdiction. You can know more about how to be financially free forever in this article.
For this reason, our services include everything you need for the protection of your wealth.
Thanks to our partner we can offer not only a wide variety of quality metals, silver, platinum and palladium, coins and numismatic coins, but also you have access to all benefits and savings that are normally only available to commercial partners.
When you purchase your precious metals, you can choose whether to ship directly to our partner’s vaulting facilities in Panama or to your door in your country of residency.
Creating strong relationships with the best suppliers can take years, and we are proud to say that we have these relationships. We have the most reliable partner with the highest reputation, and through us you have access to buying metals of the best quality possible.
How to purchase precious metals with Mundo
Our partners are constantly looking to improve and expand the services they provide in order to make the process simple and efficient. We know time is the most valuable asset and we don´t want to see you wasting it. You can leave it all in our hands. And we offer you three different ways through which to purchase your metals.
You can either purchase directly through our own precious metals dealer, FK Physical Assets, or through one of our industry partners.
To place your order today contact us. Contact us
Why to buy with Mundo´s partners
- Worldwide Transportation and logistical arrangements.
- VIP Airport Service, with customs and immigration on site.
- Transportation with or without personal protection.
- Underwritten by Lloyds of London Insurance.
- Located in Panama Pacifico Free Trade Zone.
- Various International Vaulting and Safe Deposit Box options.
- Easy access by car, boat, aircraft (including private).
- No Reporting Requirements.
- Help with Foundations and Trusts.
- Only full-service facility in Central and South America including both Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaulting Services.
- Geared towards Private and Institutional Investors.
- Ability to accept payments in Cash, Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver or other Precious Metals.
- We create solutions for each special case.
- Store your vault inside our vaults for peace of mind.
- Have your own biometric access and monitor your assets if you want to.
- Key holding services offered by recommended Attorneys.
- Logistics service for Private Jet arrivals and departures.
- Private Security and Bodyguards.
- Storage and Supply of Bug Out Bags, Armored Vehicles and anything else you may need for your personal and financial protection.
- Luxurious, Comfortable, Private Waiting Rooms and Viewing Areas.
Contact us now for more information on Panama´s services
Reforestation Project in Panama with residency option
Secure your freedom and future for yourself and future generations
Through our program, your reforestation project will provide you high security as well as high value. We will ensure your investment by entering into it with you. This way you will gain a loyal long-term partner throughout the lifetime of your project; if we gain, you gain, simple as that. Moreover, the program will guarantee you permanent residency, automatically qualify your dependents for permanent residency and give you access to a country with some of the lowest tax rates in the world, in fact, any income sourced from this project is tax-free! Moreover, you’ll have access to a country with high standard of living, untapped new investment opportunities, a strong and growing economy and an immigrant friendly public and private sector.
The Project
Panama enacted Law 24 to encourage private investment in efforts to restore the country's rapidly diminishing tropical forests. At the time the law was passed, Panama's tropical forests were disappearing at the rate of 79,000 hectares (about 195,213 acres) per year. To reverse this trend, Law 24 offers significant tax advantages and permanent residency visa eligibility to investors in government-approved reforestation projects.
Panama's environmental protection agency (Ministerio de Ambiente) oversees reforestation projects. Below are the key benefits of the reforestation program to investors.
All wood that is harvested within the project is exonerated from Panamanian taxes, including export taxes, for 25 years. All capital gains from the project are tax exempt, and all direct and indirect investments income from the project are 100% deductible from the investor's Panamanian income tax. In addition, no real estate taxes are levied against the land while in the reforestation project.
Any equipment and materials purchased for use in the reforestation project can be brought into Panama tax-free. This includes vehicles and heavy equipment, which would normally be subject to import taxes. It is important to notice that the program includes 100% management of the lot so no additional investment nor management of any kind is required from you. However, if you have other investment interests in Panama these tax-free benefits are worth keeping in mind as you do have 100% ownership of the lot so you can in fact take advantage of this if you wish.
The total cost of the program that meets all the qualifications of the permanent residency visa and includes all legal fees is $138,000 and will give you 100% ownership of the plot. In addition, it will make you eligible to apply for citizenship and obtain a Panama Passport, which can have significant value, after 5 years of permanent residency. Moreover, if you have additional family members, these will be eligible too under the same program. The added cost per family member is only $7,800 to cover government fees and legal costs.
For more about the visa, for you and your family, please visit our residency section for all the great Panama residency options
Your Security by Investing with Us
You will never have to make any additional payments for the residency processes in Panama nor pay any fees to maintain your teak property. Rather than charging forestry maintenance fees, the company retains 10% of the wood harvested leaving you with 90% of the return from the sale of your timber. Because our company has an ongoing financial stake in the proceeds from the property, you can be assured that your timber will be carefully managed for maximum yield at harvest time. After final harvest, you can retain ownership of the land. This management plan, coupled with the size and quality of the forestry plots that we sell, make the reforestation visa program a standout among the programs currently available.
Forestry is a long-term investment, and a forestry plot can be included in one’s assets for estate planning purposes. It is a solid investment that holds assets for you in a second country with residency.
Our partner company started 20 years ago and is still managed by the same three people who started it. The company is managed as four separate companies all created to support this program. Panama Teak Forestry´s market cap is currently at $52,272,014.00.
Our partners have no liabilities and zero debt, which is one of the keys to its future profitability. Even in these challenging economic times, Panama Teak Forestry´s management team is able to invest in the management of the plantations and improving our infrastructure and streamlining our already successful land management system rather than paying interest on loans.
Acquire a visa by investing with us
Investors from all around the world, especially those that don’t ‘qualify for the friendly nations visa, now have a unique opportunity as they qualify for permanent residency in Panama through the attractive reforestation program that offers both high value and high security! This program qualifies you and your family for permanent residency in Panama, through a relatively short timeframe and straightforward process. It even gives you the opportunity to convert to citizenship.
The Reforestation Visa is an incredibly attractive and unique option for you, who has previously had limited possibilities for second residency in thriving countries. It is becoming increasingly popular, but is still a largely untapped opportunity, making it very valuable in this moment and still easily accessible, before competition starts to increase significantly. Due to its nature of requiring a land investment of a specific kind, projects are limited.
Please contact us to find out about current availabilities and to not miss out on this opportunity. You have a great opportunity right here to get second residency and 100% ownership of 5 ha. of land, in a country with one of the world’s most favorable tax systems and high standards of living. It is the perfect way to secure your future!
Why investing in a forestry plantation in Panama is a good idea?
Panama provides a perfect geographical, climatic and geomorphological condition for the production of high-quality Teak.
It is a tangible investment
You will become a "green gold holder investor" by being the holder of the trees and the land where the trees have been planted.
You will become a green investor
By becoming a teak plantation owner in Panama, you are simultaneously investing in your future and in future generations. As a reforested plantation owner, you will be protecting the environment and providing clean air. The ecological impact of your investment is invaluable.
Government Incentives
The Panamanian Government has implemented a strong conservation policy but also has enacted incentive programs to promote reforestation projects. These incentive programs include:
Residency Status
Any foreigner who participates in a reforestation project with a minimum investment are entitled to obtain residency in the Republic of Panama. In addition, if you fulfill the requirements you may become a Panamanian Citizenship.
Tax Exemption
Through Law 24 of November 23rd, 1992, Panama creates incentives for reforestation activities in the Republic of Panama.
Providing a sustainable development and contributing with the environmental protection.
Global deforestation is an issued, but by managing and also harvesting planted forests in an environmentally acceptable manner, the forest will survive and, an opportunity exists for the achievement of a substantial return. By choosing Panama Teak & Forestry, you are electing sustainable development because Panama Teak & Forestry Provided Lumber from a sustainable source.
Long Term Investment
Forestry is a long-term investment, and a reforested plot can be included in one’s assets for estate planning purpose.
Panama Green Investment Program and Forestry Residency Visa
Panama Green Investment and Forestry Residency’ Program require a minimum investment of USD 138,000.00. There are limited opportunities to obtain forestry plots that have more mature trees or are larger for a greater investments if you chose. If you have family members to be included in the visa process, then an additional USD 7800 per member need to be invested to cover government fees and legal costs.
Our program included:
- Clear title on your name of 5 hectares (12.3553 acres) of an already established plantation that qualifies for the Visa processes. The plot then has to be registered as a managed forestry project in your name in the Ministry of Natural Resources (MIAMBIENTE). Processing time: this can take 3 to 6 months after you invest.
- All the forestry studies required to transfer the reforested project into your name.
- Reforested Property transfer’s costs and taxes
- 26-year management package from the date of planting. There will be no charges until this contract is fulfilled. After 26 years, the company retains 10% of the wood harvested, leaving you with 90% of the return from the sale of your timber.
- The legal costs and government fees for obtaining permanent residence in Panama.
- Assistance during the immigration process to obtain a Panamanian Residency.
Our package does not include:
- The cost of apostille the documents that you must provide from your home country.
- The cost of any document or certificate issued abroad that you need to process the visa.
- International Assistance.
- Accommodation in Panama
- Airport transfer services.
- The costs and legal fee to apply for citizenship and passports
Our legal package includes:
- Government fees (cost of process cards, immigration fee, national treasurer fee, multiple entry and exit visa fee, cost of provisional and permanent residence cards)
- Temporary residence application
- Multiple entry visa application
- Permanent residence application
- Immigration Lawyer legal fee
- Other expenses related to the residency process such as: notary fee, certification from the public record, health certificate, translations costs).
*Please keep in mind that these conditions may vary. For updated info on legal fees, government fees and services, please contact us and ask for a consultation.
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