There are many myths related to the African continent, many of which bluntly discard these territories as economic opportunities. However, some of the largest investment funds are closely following the development of some African nations, with Angola leading such a trend.
Located in the South-center region of the continent, Angola is known for being the second-largest lusophone country in the world, behind Brazil. The European inheritance of the territory is palpable, as over 94% of the country’s citizens are either Christian, Catholic or of the Protestant religion.
Angola has responded positively to the challenges many ex-colonies face when gaining independence. From a tremendous economic thrive to a recent but seemingly stable political pacification; this nation is becoming an example of success for other under-developed countries in the region and the world.
Angola’s Fundamentals
Bordering Namibia, Zambia and the Atlantic Ocean, Angola is a 1.3M km2 country located below the Sub-Saharan imaginary line dividing the African continent.
With a population of over 31 million people, this country’s capital is the beautiful city of Luanda. This Angolan city is the largest and most thriving metropolis in the nation, with a population of over 8 million for 2020.
Founded in 1576 by Paulo Dias, the capital has recently undergone major reconstruction processes. Among them, hundreds of infrastructure-related projects have made the city one of the most amazing ones in Africa, even creating a tourism culture that was unusual for Angolan cities. And rightfully so, as Luanda’s coastline is a luxury few African cities have.
In industrial terms, agriculture enterprises have dominated the city’s GDP for years, providing the whole country with high-quality products and even exporting many goods to other nations in the region.
The textile, beverage, car assembly, metallurgy, and cigarettes industries also have a tangible presence in Luanda. However, the oil industry is what has given the city its major economic and developmental feats.
Angola’s Natural Resources: Home of the Valuables
There are many ways in which a nation can become rich, one of the most effective ones is the commercialization of oil. You can ask any of the members of the OPEC, an organization known for providing oil-exporting countries with unseen streams of revenue.
Sure, the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide economic crisis that came after have hit oil prices. But having such a valuable natural resource, and in large quantities, is always going to be a crucial element when diagnosing the investment potential of a nation. In the end, prices will rise and exporting countries will be proclaimed winners.
Such is the case of Angola, a country known for being one of the largest oil exporters within the Eastern Hemisphere, and one of the greatest commercial allies of the second biggest economy worldwide: China. In an era characterized by the direction of the commodities market, it becomes evident how relevant this African nation has, and more importantly will have, in the business sector.
However, not only crude oil sales but the commercialization of products attached to its refinement account for a large part of Angolan GDP, consolidating the country’s place amongst the most attractive for doing commodity-related business ventures.
Furthermore, Angola is one of the worlds’ biggest diamond exporters, reaching third place amongst Africa’s largest exporters of the stone. An industry more than often linked with illegal working conditions, this country’s officials have carried out exhaustive cleansing policies, promoting safe working environments with medium-to-high success.
The opportunities in this particular sector of the economy are endless since more than 40% of the Angolan territory thought to have mining zones is yet to be explored. If we add this fact to the government’s crusade against illegal mining, diamonds represent more than an interesting opportunity for global investors.
Angola’s Agriculture Potential
Setting aside how oil-related commerce accounts for the most part of Angolan GDP, the agricultural industries have presented remarkable advances in recent times. According to its official statistics, they are the world’s 7th banana producer, sweet potato’s 10th largest producer and pineapple’s 13th largest producer.
Moreover, both private and public finance figures are turning their eyes towards this sector, as Angolan climate and lands are ideal for the proliferation of all types of crops. If we consider the country’s location, having such a strategic coastline in the way of Africa’s biggest transportation routes, investments in this area are unmissable opportunities.
This fact is backed by recent World Bank estimations regarding the Angolan agriculture sector, as according to one of their surveys, "less than 3 percent of Angola's abundant fertile land is cultivated and the economic potential of the forestry sector remains largely unexploited".
In the past, one of the limitations for the growth of businesses within the agriculture sector was the lack of paved highways across the territory. However, since the end of the Civil War, both governmental and private companies have invested in infrastructure projects, allowing for the proper transportation of goods.
Also, Angola has over 40 major airports, 5 high-end seaports, 1,300 navigable inland waterways, and 3 major railways systems. Funding from the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, and the Southern African Development Community have helped in the improvement and execution of such projects.
Technology, Education & Culture: the Path towards Development
The telecommunications sector in Angola is one of their most strategic business areas, being one of the most developed ones amongst African countries. The country has over 16,000 miles of optic fiber installed throughout the territory, and it was the first nation in the region to test LTE technology back in 2014.
Furthermore, and in collaboration with Russian experts, Angola was one of the first African countries to launch its own satellite into space. Even when there were some logistical problems, the project aimed at providing the country with unseen telecommunications developments, and the launch of a second one is expected to happen in the next couple of years.
Education has also been one of the government’s priorities in terms of its developmental objectives. A few years ago, a large investment program consisting of over 16 million Euros was announced, aimed at the computerization of schools and universities throughout the country.
Said program encompassed the professionalization of thousands of teachers across the country along with the implementation of media libraries in all major educational institutions. According to recent studies, the program has been a success in at least 6 provinces including Luanda, Malanje, Uíge, Cabinda and Lunda South.
Being a multicultural country, Angola has become a hub for cosmopolitan citizens across the globe, especially in Luanda where thousands of tourists come every year to experience African culture.
The intertwining of Portuguese heritage with traditional practices have given this country an outstanding spot among the most interesting African cultures, providing the world with remarkable art pieces from literary works to cinema productions and even sports-related achievements.
How to Join the Angolan Thrive?
At Mundo, we have partnered with one of the greatest consulting companies in the region, one that is known for delivering hundreds of clients with outstanding investment opportunities that have been overlooked by many.
The team of professionals at Pulsar Development has the single largest investment portfolio in the region, focusing on presenting clients across the globe with impressive business options regardless of the business sector at hand. Among such options, we can highlight:
-Consulting partnerships
-Transaction services & funds
-Infrastructure projects
-Commodity trading
-Energy-related business
-Lobbying & Conferences
The multidimensional focus at Pulsar Development is creating an enhanced investment environment for clients to plan their strategic operations in countries often discarded due to ignorance or prejudice. Luckily for you, all the information on this thriving nation is at hand, and you are ready to begin a new chapter of financial success if you trust our services.
Reach out to our team of associates now to find out the endless opportunities this African gem has to offer. We are waiting for your call!
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