Our expert is the Founder and Managing Director of a prestigious firm. With over 10 years of experience in corporate, company secretarial and banking services, this expert has developed a strong client network and has also assisted thousands of clients from South America, Russia and CIS countries to relocate their businesses in Asia.
Because of this he has wide experience in working with international clients.
Since 2009, he has already assisted more than 2000 clients to setup corporations worldwide.
He has a wide network of business partners and well established banking relationships so that he can offer customized banking solutions, compliance consultation and jurisdiction advice.
In November 2019, he established his Singapore branch office to provide full range and sophisticated solutions for his clients also in this jurisdiction.
Before setting up his own company, out expert has had solid banking experience by working with major banks.
Contact our expert right now and ask for a consultation.

Your Business in Hong Kong


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