St Kitts and Nevis are two magnificent islands, which in 1967, along with Anguilla, became a free state associated with the United Kingdom. However, the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis achieved complete independence on September 19, 1983. Nevertheless, it inherited the British legal system. The population is approximately 56,500 (2018 est.), of which about 13,500 live on Nevis. The islands exist primarily from the offshore industry and are one of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets in terms of structuring and holding wealth due to a combination of the following factors:
- They have a British judicial system and predictable law which draws its source and inspiration from the British jurisprudence and the High Court of England, so you not only know what the decision of the domestic court is likely to be, but you have British trained judicial and legal workers to implement it.
- They have the oldest and most prestigious Citizenship by investment program in the Caribbean, rivaled only by Grenada.
- They have a stable banking system and bank secrecy for citizens and residents.
- They have one of the best, if not the best, trust legislations and trust systems in the world today and are one of the few jurisdictions left with a truly international and reliable trust regime.
- They have highly-rated captive insurance and offshore insurance legislation.
- They have recently enacted a new sandbox crypto legislation legalizing crypto holdings and making them tax-free in the proper structure.
- The Nevis trust is the Rolex of trusts. It is absolutely the best possible structure and the most impenetrable trust in the world, probably only rivaled by the Cook Islands trust. Further, our partners have been creating rock-solid trusts in Nevis for 25 years.
- Finally, they have excellent, well-priced corporate and LLC regimes. They have recently enacted excellent multi-purpose foundations, one of the most flexible structured corporate products available today, combining all the elements of trust, foundation, and a Limited Partnership in one structure.
We at Mundo consider that high-net-worth individuals must look for those nations that still offer a calm social environment and where a creative businessperson is incentivized to grow. There are a few such places in the world, and one of our favorites is Saint Kitts and Nevis because it offers one of the best structures for asset protection.
Here, we will tell you about the beauty of an island where you can protect your wealth and your estate for the next generations. So, welcome to paradise in every possible sense of the word: Nevis is an offshore paradise and a Caribbean paradise. Come and enjoy our world of investments and tax structuring to find about these two lovely islands’ history and wonders. Welcome to St. Kitts and Nevis.
A Gem in the Caribbean Sea
The Caribbean has always stolen the attention of high-net-worth individuals and investors looking for places to lead a life away from their home countries’ financial pressures. That is why we must tell you that there is one place that is very difficult to ignore in the middle of the Caribbean region. We are talking about Saint Kitts and Nevis, one of the ideal tropical paradises. This small nation is full of uninhabited beaches, unexplored jungles, and lagoons that are so crystalline that it seems that you are before a giant sapphire or emerald stone.
This jurisdiction has something to offer to every kind of person. In Saint Kitts and Nevis you can lead a quiet life and enjoy its beaches, you can live the adventure of exploring its wild nature, jungles, and rocky landscapes erected on volcanic land. You can simply get away from the great world difficulties like pandemics or the political and institutional crises that the main countries of the world are going through.
Saint Kitts and Nevis is also ideal to lead a slightly more private life than in other jurisdictions. This is the smallest country in the Americas, and its resident population barely exceeds 55,000 people, as we have mentioned before.
Until a few decades ago, the island was nothing more than an economy dependent on the exportation of cane and sugar and is now being reborn as a new economy based on tourism and services. For many, this is the great promise of the Caribbean, so let's see how Saint Kitts and Nevis positions itself in the present:
Economy: Saint Kitts and Nevis' economy has been growing steadily since 2014, and there seems to be very little that can change that. The tourism sector is the one that has grown the fastest in recent years. This charming jurisdiction's economic growth rates are the fastest in the region, even ahead of countries like Panama. Besides tourism, the second most important economic sector in this tropical paradise is construction and real estate, mainly driven by Saint Kitts and Nevis government's citizenship by investment program. The country’s currency is the East Caribbean dollar, pegged at a rate of 2.7 to the US dollar.
Accessibility and official language: Getting to Saint Kitts and Nevis is fairly easy from any major airport in the United States and from some of the largest capitals in the Caribbean region. Once on the island, you don't have to worry about learning another language since the island's official language is English.
Government and politics: One of the best aspects of this small country is that the political stability here is practically undisturbed. Saint Kitts and Nevis follow the British tradition of having three separate powers: a prime minister, a parliament, and a judicial system. The political squabbling and increasingly violent demonstrations seen in other countries do not exist on this island.
Infrastructure: Saint Kitts and Nevis have come a long way in modernizing its infrastructure to become one of the most recognized international financial centers in the Caribbean today. The infrastructure in transportation, health, communications, and education has been strongly promoted during the past years to attract investors from all over the world, to the point that the country's electrification rate reaches 100% of the country, internet access reaches more than 80% of the regions, and 98% of the population has access to improved water sources.
Five Reasons Why Mundo Recommends Saint Kitts and Nevis as an Offshore Destination
1. Tax advantages: Saint Kitts and Nevis boasts the fastest growing economy in the region and offers a number of tax advantages that make it an ideal choice for living and doing business. You do not pay taxes on global income, inheritance, wealth, or donations in this tropical paradise.
2. Its citizenship by investment program: a family of 4 can obtain Saint Kitts and Nevis's citizenship with only $195,000, while an individual applicant can obtain it for $150,000. The citizenship by investment program of this jurisdiction is one of the most accessible in the region and one of the most advantageous ones.
3. It is part of the British Commonwealth: those who obtain the citizenship and passport of Saint Kitts and Nevis automatically enter the British Commonwealth, which gives the holders of this passport some privileges in the United Kingdom.
4. A first-class passport: a suitable jurisdiction must have a strong passport, and frankly, in this section, Saint Kitts and Nevis do not disappoint. By obtaining the passport of this jurisdiction, you gain access to 156 countries without requiring a visa, including countries in the Schengen area, UK, Singapore, and Russia.
5. Opportunities for asset protection: Saint Kitts and Nevis is one of our favorite jurisdictions regarding asset protection due to the impenetrability of its trusts. The protection and robust legal framework provided by the Nevis International Exempt Trust Ordinance (NIETO) makes trusts properly established in St. Kitts and Nevis virtually untouchable even by the IRS. Do you remember when we talked about the tax advantages a moment ago? You will be happy to know that in Nevis there is no tax on foreign income generated by trusts either. This is the ultimate tax-free vehicle for investors and family offices. And, in case you didn’t know, our experts have 25 years of successfully establishing trusts in Nevis.
St. Kitts and Nevis has national offshore legislation, but so does Nevis independently. On the whole, St. Kitts focuses on attracting inward industrial and tourist investment, while Nevis concentrates more on offshore asset protection.
The country was greylisted by the OECD in 2009 as a territory that had committed to but not substantially implemented its transparency standard (a minimum of 12 tax and information exchange agreements). Having signed 18 TIEAs by the end of 2010, the twin-island federation now sits proudly on the OECD ‘white list.’
If you want to discover more about Nevis’ wonders, contact us now.
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